Friday 31 May 2019

A Walk you would like to do again

Write about a walk you did that you would like to do again. 

My family is a family of keen walkers. When I was a child, my parents would often take us out for walks at the weekend. One of my favourite walks was up a Welsh hill called Moel Famau. Normally we would start from home in Mynydd Isa and walk about 5 kilometers through Mold to Loggerheads. Depending on the weather or how much time we had, we would then decide whether to do a walk up to the summit of the hill or to do a full trail. The walk up the hill is about 6km and the full trail is about 17km.

My favourite was doing the full trail because part of it was though a country park called Cat walk because it was a very narrow path that was quite high (especially for a young child!). Also, this part of the walk was through woods and along a river, the other part was pine forest and bare grassland at the top of the hill. I must have walked up that hill at least 50 times in my life. One of my aunties lived in a farmhouse at the foot of the hill and I often stayed with her in my summer holidays from school. She had a son who was a year older than me. However, when I was about 10 years old he had a car accident and lost one of his legs and so, unfortunately for him, his walking days were over. I think the last time I climbed Moel Famau was in the 1980’s but I’d love to do this walk again as it would bring back all my childhood memories. There’s a website with information about the country park here:

It even has a Facebook page!

Obviously, these didn’t exist when I was younger but at least you can get an idea of what it’s like.

Write about a walk you would like to do again.


Where it is,

When you did this walk before

Why you enjoyed it,

Why you would like to do it again.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Friday 24 May 2019

A Hobby

Hi Blogheads,

Today I'd like you to write about something you enjoy doing in your free time. I guess my favourite hobby is making music and home-made videos. I've been making music since I was about 12 or 13 years old when I started to play guitar.  I added the video making in the last 10 years or so. Everything I do is self-taught and I don't have a strong background in music but I have lots of fun creating songs or pieces of music. Most of the music I do nowadays is electronic. I use a program called Ableton Live which is an amazing piece of software as it allows me to make music using nothing more than my PC keyboard. I can also record other instruments and vocals so it's basically turning my PC into a recording studio. I've been trying to record music for a long time so I've picked up some recording tips along the way. I think I generally manage to get a good mix. I don't think I have a particular sound as I tend to record different styles, often mixing acoustic and electronic instruments. I like House music and that may come across in some of the more chilled-vibes. Occasionally I sing.
The video making I do is very experimental and I often mix time-lapse video and stuff I've recorded on my phone or camera. Sometimes I use found footage. I like treating images and saturating them to create something new. I use iMovie as it's very easy to use (and it came free with my computer). I usually spend 5 or 6 hours a week doing this hobby. I'll like to do it more often but there are always so many other things to do (like writing my blog!!).

Write about something you do in your free time.
What it is,
How long you have done it,
What it involves,
Where you do it,
What equipment you need,
How often you do it.

Try to write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Friday 17 May 2019

A Photograph

Hi FAU Bloggers;

Today I'd like you to write about a photograph that you like. The photo I've chosen must have been taken in about 1971 or 1972, or possibly a bit later. I think it's one of the few family photos that includes all eleven of us (my parents plus 8 siblings). It was taken in our living room. The photographer was in front of the window, most probably because of the light. However, I don't know exactly what he was doing that stopped half of us from looking at the camera. My mum, sister Clare (top row, left-hand side),  brother's Adrian (with a crazy grin) and baby brother Gerald (sitting on the floor) are looking at the camera. The rest of us are looking to the right of the cameraman except little sister Lizzie (Elizabeth) who is obviously in a world of her own (and still is!!!). She is staring off into the distance.
I love this photo because it's exactly how I like to remember my brothers and sisters. I love the (now retro) fashion. My two eldest sisters (Terry & Clare) have a definite hippy look while Moria (sitting in the middle) has a "Skinhead" influenced look. I also like how brothers Adrian & Colin are wearing the same shirt, and the twins (Francis & Elizabeth) are wearing smocks made by my mother. I don't think it's a very good photo of me but I love having such a great family and that's what I remember when I see this photo.
At the moment, I don't have a copy of the original, this is a photo of the photo:)

Write about a family photo you like.
When it was taken.
Where it was taken,
Who appears in the photo,
Why you like the photo,
What you remember about your life in the time the photo was taken.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and the blogs of at least 3 classm

Friday 3 May 2019

A Job

Good afternoon Blogheads!
Today I'd like you to write about a job you'd like to do. Actually, I'd done a lot of jobs in my time. When I was a young boy I did several part-time jobs. I did a paper round, then I worked in a Butcher's shop cleaning dirty refrigerators and finally I worked in a Clothes' Shop selling jeans. My first full-time job was as a Laboratory Assistant and 3-months later I was promoted to Laboratory Technician (Wow!!). Since then I've worked running a rehearsal studio, as a photographer, a photographer's assistant, a DJ, a lorry driver's assistant, a waiter, a musician, a warehouse technician, a barman, a Language Learning Centre assistant, a Course Director, a summer school teacher, a High School teacher, an examiner and no doubt some other things that I can't remember at the moment. However, I think the job I would like to do most is to be a free-lance music producer. I love to work with music and creating new things in the studio would be a great way to spend my time, especially if I was getting paid for it. I think the main quality you need for this job is to have a good ear for music. However, you also need to hear what isn't there, as well as being able to imagine how a song or piece of music would sound with different arrangements.
There are many producers that I admire, Norman Whitfield, Curtis Mayfield, Brian Eno and David Bowie are just a few I could mention. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to work in a professional studio with me being in charge although I have recorded independently in smaller studios (or using non-professional equipment). Currently, I'm learning to use a music software called Ableton Live so maybe I'll get the chance to produce something after all!!!

Write about a job you would like to do.
What job it is,
Why you like this job,
What qualities you need to do this job well,
Why you think you would be good at this job,
Which person who does this job is your inspiration.

Write at least 150 words. Leave a comment on my blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.